Ukrainian flag Embassy of Ukraine in New Delhi

AddressE-1/8, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi – 110 057
Phonelocal: (011) 2614.6041
international: +91.11.2614.6041
Faxlocal: (011) 2614.6043
international: +91.11.2614.6043
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» Can I visit Ukraine without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

bittu Singh
Sat, 4 Jul 2015 00:29 EDT
Hello sir. I want visit Ukraine. because I have girlfriend. In Ukraine. Please tell how that I go 2time I visit in Armenia. Dubai. I want only for my girlfriend. After we disid. When marriage. She is divorce. She have baby. My age also like 30. Please reply my no. 09996983037. bittunouch 2015 @Gmail. Com
sen Mathew
Wed, 1 Jul 2015 17:22 EDT
Single status letter
Good evening,

My girlfriend is from Ukraine and we want to get married in India.what is the procedure of obtaining a "single status letter"for my girlfriend.This letter is mandatory with the Indian law to get married.Please advise.
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 09:51 EDT
Great Info
Those are great informations. I take skype ukrainian class because I want to learn the language.
Rayhan Amin
Fri, 5 Jun 2015 07:22 EDT
Bangladesh -India-Nepal-India-Serbia-Montenegro-Bosnia-Serbia-Hungary
Tour Duration : 60- 75 days.

For more details, you may contact soon by mail

Hi, Tour Lovers / Travelers / Hitch Hikers/ Nomads,
Greetings from us. We are few friends, Passport holders of Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Srilanka, Russia & Belarus planning to start a tour group (SELF SERVICE UNDER GROUP), will start within 15 days. Some of our friends are frequently traveler.
Solo traveler or small group travelers are most welcome to join with our group.

To make the whole trip by the cheapest price:

1.We will do all of the required services, procedures (Visa, Ticket, other documentation etc) by each self & by own cost. Group can be assist or advice only.


2.We will do balance required services,procedures (Local transportation, food, accommodation, city tour, etc) all together under group and cost will be bear by each tourist.

We will use the cheapest food, budget accommodation, Local public and cheapest transportation.

If you are experienced in hitchhiking or new in group traveling, both are most welcome to join with us.

In your first mail to us, Please write something about you and your own planning. Also attached your travel document. So that we can arrange a get together soon!!!

Taufique ahmad
Sat, 16 May 2015 12:29 EDT
for study in Ukraine
How I will gate the visa
anoop hariharan
Tue, 12 May 2015 14:35 EDT
submit visa aplication
I would like to travel to Ukraine for 5 days,i want to submit my visa application. if anybody know how to make appointment to submit my application in Ukraine embassy in Delhi please send me details on
Md.Rafiqul islam
Tue, 12 May 2015 07:00 EDT
i want know about study system master program of coputer engineering as a foreign student
can I admit without help of consultecy fram of Ukraine, if I can which process I will flow or where I will contract. please give me some information. my mail
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 21:45 EDT
obtaining visa for my ward
dear ashish ranjan same problem is with my ward also. we have a 12 yr old son and have been travelling to ukraine almost every year on indian passport and now suddenly embassy persons came out with new rules.
if there is any solution to this problem kindly let us know.
Wed, 1 Apr 2015 13:13 EDT
Opportunities for tutors and students
Thank you for the great article, I would like to take the chance to invite Ukranian tutors and students who wants to improve Ukranian via Skype to view that excellent website that offers Ukranian Skype classes I am currently taking Ukranian classes over there with native speakers and the quality presented is professional and satisfying
Wed, 1 Apr 2015 09:13 EDT
Documents for an invitation
Hello. I want to invite my friend from India to Ukraine.Can you help me to find the list of that doc and where and when i can do that?
Thank you.

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