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New Delhi – 110 057
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» Can I visit Ukraine without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Thu, 18 Aug 2016 13:07 EDT
Dear i am indian my friend from ukraine ,now she is in india .her visa will expire before january.if she marry indian man then can she stay longtime,can she renew her expire visa? Please email me .please help me and kindly reply to my email.thanks
Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:02 EDT
hello sir right now i am working as a medical officer in delhi and i have my girlfriend in ukraine and we decided to marry in ukraine so i am accumulating money for my ukraine visit so she wanted to invite me and my quires are as follows..
1. will i have to buy ticket before visa.
2. i want to maary her in ukraine so do they grant me visa for around 45 days
Tue, 24 May 2016 05:40 EDT
Sun, 1 May 2016 05:50 EDT
Want to invite my friend to india for a week
Dear sir ,
Please let me know the procedure to invite my friend for a small function. She is from ukraine. I want her to be here in india for a week to attend my function. please email me on
Joshua Richstaar
Fri, 8 Apr 2016 03:49 EDT
Need Ur Help Please!!
Hi, I have my girlfriend living in ukraine, after 3years of long distance relationship i'm planning to meet her for the first time and i stay in India & she in ukraine so i decided to go there, but i enquired with certain agents who help in getting a VISA done, they tell me i have to show a bank balance of above 2 lakh's & need to show income tax documents n stuff, but i will be going with in the invitation tat she will send n she will mention clearly tat she will bear all my expenses n will submit the needful documents, how will an invitation format need to be like? what r the procedures? im just going for a month, please somebody help me n it will be most appreciated, please leave me an email to
Thu, 10 Mar 2016 00:16 EST
Ukrainian class
I'm looking for someone who wants to join a Ukrainian class via Skype with me. The teacher is the same teacher I had at purpelly ( http://purpelly/en/ukrainian-by-skype ). We just thought of getting together as a group so we have instant language buddies.
Fri, 4 Dec 2015 10:10 EST
get insulted
If you have never been humiliated and want to experience what it feels like than go to ukranian embassy in delhi. They'll humiliate you like no one would ever will. They asked me question like what do u mean by the person who has invited you is ur friend? Why do want to go for a month? You can meet your friend for two days and come back why do you want to stay there for a month? Than they'll say pay more and go for express visa. Because of them I postponed my flight twice and had to cause they took a whole month to give me visa even after doing everything. I ended up paying 60000 more for the flights hotel bookings and train bookings. In the end I was so tired of doing almost 10 round from punjab to delhi that I had almost given up. Btw though ukraine is a beautiful country but u won't feel secure even if you hail from UP or Bihar and have lived all ur life among criminals. Juat don't go out after 6 once it is dark.
Jishnu prasad
Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:24 EST
Document translation
I wish to pursue a master degree from ukraine, but your rules are pointing to convert my documents in English to norwenian.How is it possible to translate from India.Did the Ukrainian embassy will help to solve this problem.
Thu, 3 Sep 2015 07:24 EDT
Myanmar-Timor Leste-Nepal or China-Georgia-Ukraine-Moldova - Slovakia ( Schengen)
Myanmar-Timor Leste-Nepal or China-Georgia-Ukraine-Moldova - Slovakia ( Schengen)

4th group

Who will be able to arrange their (New members like you) own passport and visa, Individually we will buy Air / Bus / Train tickets for each other. And on this date we will start our journey

If you have already in your hand your passport and sufficient funds to travel to join with the team to start the journey in few days, only then you can arrange a meeting for introducing to start soon.


- New friends ( Total group member will be minimum 12 pax and maximum 24 pax)

- New tourists will get the touch from skilled and experienced tourist.

- Cheapest public transportation locally. Our maximum travel will be by road.

- Cheapest accommodation (For example in average Euro 5 - 10/ pax per night maximum.) , We always try to take small cheaper flat for long time stay and for short time stay we always try to stay in the hostel.

- Cheapest Food ( 1-3 Euro /meal) we always try to cook food for Breakfast and Dinner and prepare lunch in a box, only sometimes we take food from outside in the restaurants),

- Cheapest way tour like Hitch Hiking as a Nomad.

- We hope for this trip for whole 75 days approximate we can manage with in 4000 Euro maximum. But the same tour if we do individually, without group and by any agents, then the cost will be more & more..

- Travel equipment facilities from other group members, for example, Video camera, DSLR Camera, etc.

Caution for new member:

- You need to arrange your visa by yourself. Moderator or other group members really cannot help you for this.

- You need to arrange your Air ticket by yourself. Moderator or other group members really cannot help you for this.

- You need to arrange your immigration by yourself. Moderator or other group members really cannot help you for this.

Moderator or other senior and experienced group members only can give you some tips, advice and few guidelines for the issue of Visa, Ticket and immigration from their past travel experience-------if you asked their help!!!

So if you feel any interest based on above mentioned info and terms and conditions and if you are able economically, only then you are most welcome to give your confirmation by return mail to join the next tour with the group. Your confirmation must be with your CV, Photo and passport scan copy.
Wed, 29 Jul 2015 12:47 EDT
Namaste! Please write me what need documents to open separate passport for Ukrainian citizen child 3,5 years in new delhi, befor she was in my passport? Photos 50*50 3 pieces, copy passport mother @ father, copy certificate birthday. Need application form? My Email:

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