American flag Embassy of the USA in Manila

Address1201 Roxas Boulevard
Ermita 1000
Phonelocal: (02) 301.2000
international: +63.2.301.2000
Faxlocal: (02) 302.2399
international: +63.2.302.2399
Web site
Hours7.30 - 16.30

Comments on this Embassy

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:54 EDT
please help embassy of America
my sister suffering now with the American guy who is only visited in our country but the guy told us that he don't want to go back in America but we suffering of him because he always making hyper and we are worrying with our mother because she has hypertension.thats why we want him to deport at early. I hope u will help us. I'm waiting for your response sir/ ma'am. I hopeu will help us to deport the American guy.
Percy Douglas
Sun, 19 Apr 2015 07:03 EDT
US Embassy in Manila
Frist off we need to rename this place, from the US Embassy to the Filipino Embassy, why! because that
place don't take care of its citizens, if you need
help with something, you can't even get in the Embassy to talk to anyone. Again why is that; because
you have some Moron in a window or at the entry gate
that won't let you in. Now I don't know exactly how
everything work there, but you would thing they would have an American employee on the entry gate or
in one of the windows to take care of American Citizens when they need information about who to see
or where to go to take care of there business, but no we don't get that, we have to talk to some Filipino who don't care about you or your concerns. I hate to say it; but that place is a joke, its great for Filipinos, but American Citizens get no help at all. Like I said its the Filipino Embassy. Wake up Ambassador an stop letting these people walk over you. MAN UP!
Wed, 18 Mar 2015 08:22 EDT
Saya perlu bantuan dana untuk bayar hutang ke pusat dan modal hp 085787071383 sebesar 300juta rupiah ke no rek mandiri 1460004900663 sekiranya sudilah bapak duta besar amerika memberikan bantuan kepada saya sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak semoga kebaikan dan amal ibadah nya mendapatkan balasan dari Tuhan yang maha kuasa.
albernin musawwir
Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:04 EST
We are two american over stayed here in philippines for almost 19years.
Our father abandon us here in philippines,
I just want to know , if how we can comeback in america?
Fidencio A. Perez
Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:46 EST
I would like to know what are the rwquirements fo a filipino to acquire an American Visa in order to visit the USA and return back to the USA.


Fidencio A. Perez
Billy whitworth
Sat, 23 Aug 2014 08:55 EDT
Stranded in Tarlac city
Me and my two children are stranded in tarlac city , we were robbed a few weeks ago . I get about $1,000 per month but cant get plane tix back with out have to survive on what lil we have . Can you tell me how i can get us back to the states
Wed, 2 Jul 2014 23:43 EDT
I'm marreid to American guy 3yrs now and we have kid but he left us and he have girl frnd now with kid he abondoned us I want him to support my kid pls help me what I had to do
Ahmad Zuhdi
Sat, 5 Apr 2014 21:11 EDT
Permohonan dana untuk bayar hutang
yang terhormat Bapak Presiden USA
sudilah kiranya memberikan bantuan dana untuk membayar hutang, saya sedang terlilit hutang sebesar Rp.50 juta rupiah,dan saya masih menganggur ..
besar harapan saya yang mulia sultan mau menolong saya...
no rek BRI an Ahmad Zuhdi 6080-01-009237-53-3
telp 087848579248
alamat ds dukuh bangsa rt 3 / rw 6 kec.jatinegara kab.tegal jawa tengah
dengan segala kerendahan hati kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih.
yang terhormat Bapak Presiden USA
sudilah kiranya memberikan bantuan dana untuk membayar hutang, saya sedang terlilit hutang sebesar Rp.50 juta rupiah,dan saya masih menganggur ..
besar harapan saya yang mulia sultan mau menolong saya...
no rek BRI an Ahmad Zuhdi 6080-01-009237-53-3
telp 087848579248
alamat ds dukuh bangsa rt 3 / rw 6 kec.jatinegara kab.tegal jawa tengah
dengan segala kerendahan hati kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih.
Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:16 EDT
i have a friend in the Philippines and she cant get back to America, she need American visa but the embassy will not tell me what i can do it for my friend to get a visa is so complicated please reply. why is that?
princess florence simon
Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:08 EDT
visa information
This pertains to my american passport which really, really was expired last 2008. My problem is, what are the requirements to renew said passport? What are the expenses, how much?

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