British flag Embassy of the United Kingdom in Tehran

Address198, Ferdowsi Avenue
Phonelocal: (021) 6405.2000
international: +98.21.6405.2000
Faxlocal: (021) 6405.2289
international: +98.21.6405.2289
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Comments on this Embassy

showkath ali
Wed, 30 Sep 2015 02:54 EDT
Looking for a job in UK Embassy
First of all, its happy to hear that UK Embassy is reopened in Iran and will be a good relation between UK & Iran.

I am working in a Trading Company in Qatar as a Sales Coordinator officer. My contract will be expired in December '15. If you have any suitable vacancy (Office staff) in your embassy, please let me know.
Sasan Sardashti
Fri, 25 Sep 2015 02:38 EDT
job vacancy as a driver
Hi dear. If the england embassy after reopening has a job vacancy as a driver,I will be glad to cooperate with this embassy.
With the best Regards

Tel : 00989370101882
Email address :
Sirvan S
Thu, 10 Sep 2015 07:02 EDT
Visa Section
Dear sir/madam
is there any knowledge on the specific date to reopen the visa section of the embassy in tehran? please state an anouncement regarding this matter as this is very important for general people due to it's higher costs of applying for visas in the third countries.
best regards
Sat, 5 Sep 2015 06:05 EDT
Britain should now free Dr Ali Dizaei
Britain should now free Dr Ali Dizaei from the imposed/utterly-unjust detainment in prison because he was an outspoken-rebellion to injustice and institutional-racism.
Baran Abednia
Fri, 28 Aug 2015 01:06 EDT
Congratulations for all of us and requesting for a vacancy
Dear Sir ,
I bet all of us have been longing to witness such a great event blooming in Iran. This is a magnificent opportunity for all the Iranian people. I am happy to have the honor here to congratulate you and your hardworking staff.
I have been a student of English literature and have been dealing with a lot of people for years to boost their English as their path of immigration , studying abroad, their business, or their travels, required.
Last but not least,I will be highly delighted to have the honor of working for your embassy and the pleasure of being considered as one of your staff.
Kindest regards,
My email address
Craig Jones
Thu, 27 Aug 2015 04:30 EDT
Dear Mr. Sharma and staff,

Firstly, congratulations with the re-opening of the Embassy, I was thrilled to hear this and have been following the process very carefully as I still remain here and have been since it closed in 2011. I really do look forward to meeting you as it was 2007 when we last met. I wish you and your staff all the very best.

Yours faithfully,

Craig Jones
Mohammad Javad Yekta Jabbari
Mon, 24 Aug 2015 19:59 EDT
congratulation for reopening of embassy in Tehran
Dear Ambassador
First of all,very much congratulation for reopening of embassy in Tehran,I hope ,open embassy (a branch) in Rasht city(center of Gilan province), in front of Russia embassy which is on anbaar-e-naft street(or Resalat sreet) in Rasht.
News reopening make me glad I wish oneday at future UK embassy open in Rasht( at now there is Russia embassy in Rasht !)
with best wishes
Fatemeh Nastaran
Mon, 24 Aug 2015 07:42 EDT
Request job in The Embassy
Fatemeh Nastaran PARSA

Dear Ambassador,
Fist of all, very much Congratulations for reopening the Britain's Embassy in Iran.

I am writing to you in order to apply a job in The Embassy of the United Kingdom in Tehran,iran.
I am a USA citizen and recently came back from the United states of America and decided to live in Tehran and interested to get a job in the Embassy of The United Kingdom in Tehran, Iran.

I wrote for you about my educational background and job experience in my resume and attacehe to this cover letter.

I am certain that my resume will give you a greater understanding of my qualifications for this exciting opportunity.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with and learn from you and your Talented Team.

I look forward to speaking with you soon,

Respectfully Yours,

Fatemeh Nastaran Parsa
sher azam
Sat, 22 Aug 2015 04:29 EDT
Dear sar , i have the honour to submited that i am pakistani national residing in tehran presently i am working as a security guard ofter 6 year in the pakistan internatonal school tehran ,i humbly request to your Excellency to give me a chance to work in the esteemed your embassyu ,date of brith 19,12,1986 education. matric , language. persian .urdu ,and .english ,my emaile adrres contectno. 09366048777.thanks
Sat, 22 Aug 2015 00:34 EDT
British Embassy Reopenning
As with the most probably you have all heard he British embassy in Tehran officially is going to reopen on Sunday 8/23/2015 by presence of British foreign minister in Tehran.

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