United Arab Emirates flag Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in New Delhi

AddressE.P. 12 Chandra Gupta Marg
New Delhi 110021
Phonelocal: (011) 2467.0830
international: +91.11.2467.0830
Faxlocal: (011) 2687.3272
international: +91.11.2687.3272

» Can I visit the United Arab Emirates without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Augustian peter
Mon, 18 Jul 2011 08:56 EDT
Find driver job
Iam find embassy driver job.I am 20 year experiences in driving feld if there is some driver job pleas let know my email sab.peter.2000@gemail.com
sonu babu
Fri, 17 Jun 2011 05:49 EDT
Family car driver job
Hello, Sir/ Madam I’m Looking a family car driver job I have a 10 year experience in driving field if there is some job please let me know my email : sonuacted.delhi@yahoo.com
Best regard: sonu thanks
sonam khanna aggarwal
Fri, 29 Apr 2011 09:05 EDT
I want job in U.A.E embassy.my email id is sxpressin@yahoo.com
Mon, 7 Mar 2011 02:18 EST
for job option
hi my name swati tyagi.i am loking hotel line job in UAE.i am living in INDIA if you have any opptison for me so pls call me and mail me myMAIL ID swatityagi43@yahoo.com. thank u

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