Swedish flag Honorary Consulate of Sweden in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Honorary ConsulHeidie Calero
AddressUnion Plaza, Suite 1111
416 Ponce de Leon Ave
San Juan, PR 00918
Phonelocal: (787) 294.0018
international: +1.787.294.0018
Faxlocal: (787) 756.4078
international: +1.787.756.4078

» Can I visit Sweden without a visa?

Comments on this Honorary Consulate

Daisy Ortiz
Tue, 27 May 2014 17:47 EDT
Can I fly to Sweden with a green card but with my passport expired?
My mother is from El Salvador, has family in Sweden and wants to visit. She has her passport but its expired. She also has her green card, and she's NOT A UNITED STATES CITIZEN, shes a "permanent resident". Can she fly with the expired passport or does she have to renew? She has flown before to her country El Salvador with an expired passport without any problem, but we're not sure if to Sweden they have the same laws. Please let us know as soon as possible.
Thank you very much!

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