Swedish flag Embassy of Sweden in Dakar

Address18, rue Emile Zola
Phonelocal: 338.490.333
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» Can I visit Sweden without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Saikou E. Jawo
Mon, 11 Jul 2016 09:22 EDT
Visa Enquiry
Hello... I want to know what are the Visa procedures and necessary documents that one should pocess in oder to study in Seweden? please you can reach me on E-mail: (jawosaikoue@outlook.com).
Sir, the soonest respond i get from you, the most important it is...
Thu, 28 May 2015 19:36 EDT
Hello am a Gambian teacher an I have an invitation from my boy friend in Sweden .i want to go holiday of three months can I please know which document do I needed. An how long will it take to issue the visa an how much is the application fee, please reach me on this email blackempres1@gmx.com
Dawda Daffeh
Sun, 19 Apr 2015 07:53 EDT
There is a guy in sweden who want to adopt me and am only at the age of 15 am I qualify to be adopted and what and how can he adopt me am residing in Gambia
Wed, 3 Dec 2014 06:18 EST
I am a gambian and working
My uncle is in sweden with his family for so long
He is planing to send me a invitation to invite me to visit him and the family during my holiday.
Plz may i know which document do i need to prove to apply visa just for three months stay
Saikou amadou
Sat, 1 Nov 2014 04:13 EDT
I want to go to sweden
Hello how u doing and how is work going? I'm here to ask u abt to go to holidays in Sweden to take some rest .so I like to knw how can u help me to go there which document I need to find and help me for visa. My name is Saikou amadou staying in The Gambia u can reply me bkassama9@Gmail.com have good day wish u all the best .
Lamin jawneh
Mon, 25 Aug 2014 15:52 EDT
Am a Gambian an my wife is a Swedish. Can I process my papers at Dakar.
Fri, 22 Aug 2014 06:33 EDT
I'm a Gambian studying in Cameroon and want to go on holidays to Sweden from Cameroon. Can you please help me the documents i will need to get a holiday visa? You can reach me on (hatabsaidy88@yahoo.com.

Fri, 22 Aug 2014 06:28 EDT
Can you please help me the documents required for a holiday Visa from Cameroon to Sweden. You can reach me on hatabsaidy@yahoo.com.

Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:28 EDT
Hello I want to go for summer holidays , please tell me what documents you want from me ,I travel before but I want to go to sweden , please Email me on (adamfaye001@yahoo.com) thank you very much
Thu, 19 Jun 2014 09:56 EDT
i want do sambo im from libya i have my sambo in sweden

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