Russian flag Embassy of Russia in Amman

AddressZahran Street
3rd Circle
Phonelocal: (06) 464.1158
international: +962.6.464.1158
Faxlocal: (06) 464.7448
international: +962.6.464.7448

» Can I visit Russia without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Ahmad Faidi
Sun, 20 Mar 2016 06:31 EDT
Legal services - Jordan
Dear sir / madame

We would like to offer you our full legal services and solutions in JORDAN. We look forward to co-operate with your leading firm in any legal issues,reconciliation services ,payroll services , attestation services and debts collection.

Ahmad Faidi

Faidi Law Firm - Jordan
Amman, Jordan

مكتب فيضي للمحاماه - الاردن
Tue, 24 Mar 2015 16:54 EDT
looking for job
hello everyone
im meliza filipina 36yrs old
looking for full time or partime job
like house cleaning or baby sitter i can cook also
please call on my number
Sami hamad
Fri, 17 Jan 2014 00:16 EST
Getting Russian visa
I am Dr. Sami Hamad an Iraqi citizen , I finished my studies in Moscow in GovernmetTextile Insitute 1970-1971 . Since then I could not have chance to see Moscow. I would like very much to vist Moscow in Julay of this summer , will you , please help me to get the visa

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