Mexican flag Consulate of Mexico in Portland, Oregon

Address1305 SW 12th Avenue
Portland, Oregon, OR 97201
Phonelocal: (503) 274.1442
international: +1.503.274.1442
Faxlocal: (503) 274.1540
international: +1.503.274.1540
Web site
Notes¡Mucho ojo con los estafadores!

Hay personas que usan los comentarios de esta página para hacerse pasar por trabajadores sociales o personal de los consulados o embajadas de México. No te dejes engañar. Más información

There are people using the comments section of this page to pose as social workers or Mexican Consulate and Embassy employees. Don’t be fooled.

» Can I visit Mexico without a visa?

Comments on this Consulate

Narcedalia Rodriguez
Sat, 18 May 2024 21:54 EDT
If I am mexican citizen who lives in Oregon can I vote for the Mexican presidency?
Elisabeth wyatt
Fri, 7 Jul 2023 10:55 EDT
Permanent residency
I need to apply for permanent residency in Mexico. I own a home there and live most of the year there. I have trued to apply previously, however the woman at the service I went to did nothing with my paperwork, so it has since expired. May I have a new form and requirements? Also would like to schedule a hearing for the end of September
Abdon Garcia
Tue, 30 Aug 2022 13:36 EDT
I needs renew my Mexican passport; vote card and Credential I need an appointment soon if possible in Portland Or
Lillian Ferguson
Mon, 25 Jul 2022 14:44 EDT
Application for temporary residency in Mexico
I am
Currently living in Mazatlan, Sinaloa. I will be visiting end Oregon Next month. Is it possible
To apply for my temporary’s residency in Oregon while I am visiting? And what documents and forms do I need?
tirso arreola mendoza
Mon, 24 May 2021 14:51 EDT
i needs renew my mexican passport and i need an appointment soon if possible. thank you
Anne Backus
Sun, 18 Apr 2021 15:28 EDT
Visa permanente requirements
What are the requirements for a visa permanente?
Thu, 25 Mar 2021 12:19 EDT
Cannot get answers to questions for resident visa
Email is not communication. I have questions about what records are actually needed or what assets count or don't. I have given up on Portland consulate and will just go down on a tourist visa until I can come back to a consulate that can help with real words
Mon, 22 Feb 2021 19:52 EST
pasaporte matricula
Barbara L
Mon, 22 Jun 2020 15:54 EDT
Need to be Mexico for a Mexican Retirement Visa
Do you have to be in Mexico to get a Temporary Resident Visa?
Do you have to be in Mexico to trade in the Visa for the resident card?
In order to get a Taxpayer ID in Mexico, do you need at least Mexican Temporary Resident Visa.
Steven C. Smith
Mon, 27 Jan 2020 00:32 EST
Permanent Residence Visa
What are the requirements to obtain a permanent Residence Visa For Mexico?

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This web site is not operated by the Consulate and your comments and questions will not necessarily be seen by its staff. Please note that this is not a forum for broad debate about the foreign policy of Mexico, and such topics will be deleted.