Libyan flag Embassy of Libya in Islamabad

Address12 Margalla Road, F-8/3
Phonelocal: (051) 285.1974
international: +
Faxlocal: (051) 226.1459
international: +

Comments on this Embassy

Hassan Malik
Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:56 EST
Business venture
Dear concerned - i am interested in doing business in Libya. i have car fleets that i can supply to libya (all brands).

i can discuss this further with any concerned official.

Quayyum Raja
Sat, 26 Sep 2009 06:08 EDT
Libyan Leader's Remarkable UN Speech
As Chairman of the Kashmir Justice Forum, I am grateful to Mammar Qadafi, the Leader of Revolution, for his courageous speech in UN Assembly in which he supported the independence movement of Kashmir. I have been a fan of Col. Qadafi since childhood because of his principled stand on various issues facing the world. He is a leader with vision and action, who wants a better world.

Please can I have an appointment to submit a memorandum to you to pass it on to Col. Qadafi.

Thanking you.

Mob. 0346 5211284

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